1968 Barracuda Notch - Plano, TX

Received my grille trim and turn signal bezels from PG classic this past Thursday. A few weeks earlier I finished the painstaking process of masking and painting my plastic grille pieces. Over 500 pieces of cut strips of ¼” wide tape. Yikes!!! I assembled my grille, assembled my header panel, reinstalled the header panel.

Also modified my headlight mount on my "new" drivers side fender to clear the Cibie headlight, mounted the headlight and installed the headlight bezels on both sides.

Third - repaired my tail light housings with metal epoxy and installed my tail lights. The housings are Layson's reproductions I purchased a few years back. When I finally installed them they seperated. Dave thinks I overtightened them. I used a 1/4" ratchet that fits in the palm of my hand. Back when I used to be an auto mechanic I would remove oil filters that were stuck that the other guys in the shop could not remove with strap wrenches with my bare hand. During ergonomic testing about 10 years ago on my job my grip was tested at 160lbs squeeze with either hand. Most people working there tested about half that with the dominant hand being a little stronger. Anything is possible I guess, but my assertion is that the original design is one piece, and the two piece design that someone did for Layson's has inherent issues. Maybe Dave will arm wrestle me over it? Either way - fixed now, and I installed them with a nut driver this time...