Sorry Guys I neet to Vent my Girlfriend Problems

I said I was gonna be 18 IN NOVEMBER! I'm still a minor too which I don't give jack **** about anyways cause I don't care about sex. I don't want sex. Sex is the LAST thing on my mind. If I wanted sex I'd go find one of the slutty little freshman at my school to get laid. I picked the best girl I could find and busted my *** to woo her because I genuinely liked her and figured that she was the type of girl I could take the long haul with and 3 months later I still feel exactly the same way but her goddamn parents can't cut the cord. She's gonna grow up sooner or later and have to make her own decisions and right now all they're doing is setting her up for failure by making decisions for her. She wants to finish school and she wants to go to a college and teach kindergarden. I want to finish school and go to college and do what-the-hell-I-still-don't-know. We've both talked and agreed we don't want to have sex yet, we don't want kids yet. We want to finish life first. We decided to wait and be prepared just in case so IF we do anything, we can do it responsibly. But again, we don't want to do it and there is a 99% chance for this to not happen... Many have pointed out that 3 months is no time at all and if I'm gonna end it I should now but the truth is for the short amount of time it's been we're screwed. I kicked an addiction to pot for her and I'm truly sincere when i say she was worth it. She is the best thing that's ever happened to me hands down and her parents just don't see that...

Sorry dude. I have never met any male 18 who didnt want sex. Aint gonna believe it no way no how. We were all 18 at one time. If you dont want sex hanging out with the guys is a lot more fun. I tell my daughters boyfriends to look at my face.Then I tell them to remember it because its the last thing they will see if they hurt my girls.