Sorry Guys I neet to Vent my Girlfriend Problems

Dude, you need to chill. I know you don't want to hear it but you are way too young to know what is good for you or her. End of subject. Damn I wish I was 17 again and knew everything.

The plain truth of the matter is and I'm going to be frank, you don't know ****. You are still wet behind the ears. I know you think you have it all figured out but in reality you don't have a single thing figured out and you'll find that out the hard way if you keep the attitude you have now.

I've been married 4 times, had countless girlfriends, fiances and one night stands and the one thing I can tell you with certainty is, women are all crazy. You can't live with them...and, well that's it, you can't live with them...

There is no punch line.

If she is really The One then waiting won't be a problem, my bet is though you'll wait, she'll go off to college somewhere and find someone else, you'll be left with your pants down, heartbroken and even more depressed than you ever were before. You might even do something stupid like beg her to take you back, WRONG!!! women hate a beggar. She'll never look at you the same again.

You have your whole life ahead of you and it looks like you are setting yourself up to learn some pretty hard lessons...the hard way. There's plenty of fish in the sea dude. She'll know that too by the way.

Sorry tough love is just what it implies. Reality hurts sometimes, life isn't fair.