Sorry Guys I neet to Vent my Girlfriend Problems

Sorry dude. I have never met any male 18 who didnt want sex. Aint gonna believe it no way no how.

She has some quality parents that care about their daughters future. She is 15 and you are 17 and you don't think about sex?

I am not sure I believe you; when I was 17, sex and cars were all I thought about. If you want a relationship with this girl, you better warm up to to the mom so she knows and trusts you with her daughter.

I hope both of you guys realize it's guys like you that give guys like me with honest intentions a bad rap. Just because you guys were dirtbags when you were my age doesn't mean I am. I've been lonely far too long and I'll be damned if I'd let sex ruin this for me. There isn't a freshman girl at my school who isn't slut and if I wanted sex bad enough I would be dating one of them or worse, cheating on my girl with one of them. I don't want sex. It's that plain and simple. If I get hard up, I masturbate. That's not a joke.

It's hard for Daddy's to let go of their little girl.

Dude, she's 16 and just a couple years ago she was in diapers, now this kid comes around with a hot car, hormones popping like mad.... it's tough to be a good Parent, and trust needs to be earned.
It's even tougher when a boy comes around and yes we know all about it because we were young once too.

I think if you respect her and her parents and don't act cocky or like a weirdo you should warm up to them.
You just gotta be patient with these things.

Once she is 18 her Parents will ease off because they know she's an adult and hopefully she will continue to be trustworthy and make good decisions with a nice guy (you).
First off, my car isn't hot. Unless it sits in the sun. I classify it as a "pulled-musclecar". But all joking aside, her parents have had 16 years to trust her and they've gotten no reason from her to not trust her. I don't give a rats *** if they trust me, but they don't trust her. I've been friendly and kind and sincere. Her dad really likes me and her mom likes me too. I've treated them with the utmost respect and sincerity and that's the only reason I haven't blown up on them. I've even scored her mom two BBFord 390 heads for her '66 pickup, $10 bucks a piece. I done an oil change and transmission service on the mom's van with Kay's help Sunday, that's a keeper. My point is they can't wait for her to reach 18 to let her make her own decisions cause if they do, she'll turn 18 and be unable to do so.

after 3 months together is not long enough to know if you really love her is bullshit.I fell in love with my wife after 2 months together.
Thank you! I'm glad at least has some sense in that department.

I've been married 4 times, had countless girlfriends, fiances and one night stands and the one thing I can tell you with certainty is, women are all crazy. You can't live with them...and, well that's it, you can't live with them...
And that small section right there sums exactly what your problem is. You've had nothing but heartache and completely meaningless and unfullfilling relationships your entire life and each and everyone failed. Now you're walling in self pitty blaming it on the womens fault when it's probably your own. I'm glad you've had all the girls and these one night stands, good for you. But just because you're a sleaze who can't respect woman and has faced nothing but failure in your love life doesn't mean that I am too and that my relationship is doomed to fail.