Sorry Guys I neet to Vent my Girlfriend Problems

Damn he tore ya'll up.....truth be known I dated a girl when i was almost 18 she was 16 we dated for about 3 years and are still friends to this I believe him about not wantin sex....kinda....we all want that at that age but truthfully he may want the big picture and yur gonna have to trust him on that...were not her parents.....he's got no reason to try and slide one by us....


Quote:And that small section right there sums exactly what your problem is. You've had nothing but heartache and completely meaningless and unfullfilling relationships your entire life and each and everyone failed. Now you're walling in self pitty blaming it on the womens fault when it's probably your own. I'm glad you've had all the girls and these one night stands, good for you. But just because you're a sleaze who can't respect woman and has faced nothing but failure in your love life doesn't mean that I am too and that my relationship is doomed to fail.

Good come back young man, I think ya got Guitar figured LOL :shock::shock:

Now let's play nice gentleman:hiding:
**breathes a sigh of nervous relief** finally I have somebody seeing things from my side. I was begining to think A. I was in the wrong and B. that nobody would believe me.