Sorry Guys I neet to Vent my Girlfriend Problems

You come here to vent and complain, you get our opinions and sugestions then you bash some of us for telling you like it is, i was young once and after cars all i thought of was sex [even now at 52 i'm the same].I as a parent would do the same thing as her's is don't trust no one. I knew a preacher once who was doing yard work the guy next door came over and they was talkin about kids the guy said to him i don't envy you cause you got two boys the preacher said back i don't envy you with two girls, he continued to say i only have two dicks to worry about you got thousands the guy walked away dumbfounded.If what you feel is true love then she will wait for you but i think your going to be dissapointed i suggest you just hang out as much as you can try to gain her parents trust if you can't do that then move on your wasting both of ya'lls time. Good luck in your quest[ i personally would be chasin the sluts at school at your age you don't need a relationship just my opinion].