Sorry Guys I neet to Vent my Girlfriend Problems

Wow, this is a pretty long thread for such an issue. The simple fact is, you're too old for her. PERIOD. In a few years when she's over 18 years old, if you still have the same feelings for her, and she for you, then great! Until then you're simply asking for trouble.

You're asking to date a girl that will be legally too young for you.
You're asking her to do something her parents are against. Do you want to be a wedge between her and her parents.
Do you really want to force her to decide between you and her parents?
That never ends well, not ever.

You're a victim of bad timing. I raised 2 boys and a girl (who is now 25 years old), and to be honest with you, there is nothing I wouldn't have done to keep my daughter from dating a boy 18 years or older, when she was 15 or 16. NOTHING!

You need to get past this, and simply wait it out. Issues of the heart are the hardest thing to get past, but it's something both of you need to do, for now.

Good luck.