Sorry Guys I neet to Vent my Girlfriend Problems

As a parent too and a young man at one point in my life, before I give my 2 cents- I have to agree with most that's been posted on here about respect.

I met my wife when she was 17- We weren't allowed to go on dates, hold hands, no physical contact. .. until we got engaged. This may sound VERY EXTREME to most but, I was wild before and She wasn't. I was her 1st and only boyfriend- (no she's not a dog either- but a good looking 5'7 auburn haired babe) I jumped through hoops because I loved her. I figured if I'm planning on spending my life with her then what's 3 years of hoops and sacrifice? They (her parents) made sure that I was out of debt, has a good job to support us (if she didn't work- she did) and just wanted to get to know ME. I ended up marrying my best (female) friend.

Dude, even if it didn't work out. I found out what kind of man I was.
I worked 2 jobs to get out of debt and start a nice nest egg for us ($15K). Took all of 8 months.
Get over the "instant gratification" (I'm not talking sex). Take your time- your very young. Yes, it sucks and I'll be the first to admit that I was at times- pissed, depressed, and hung my head and moped around. But, if you truly care for her, give it time , give respect to the mom even if she doesn't deserve it. You'll be amazed at the strenght you'll have in the end to accomplish things in life. Also- you get to know one another w/o the sex thing being in the way.
It's not an easy road but nothing worthwhile ever is.
BTW- I'll be married 13 years now.
Good luck!