Sorry Guys I neet to Vent my Girlfriend Problems

Geeezzz you act as if she is the last girl on the planet... grab a hold of yourself man! Slow your roll bro! You have mentioned she is "a keeper"... this leads me to believe that you're already thinking engagement or don't want to lose her (really in love)maybe?

Your young and should be dating.... that's good but right now is the time you to start thinking about what are going to do in life. Get a job (if you don't have one) and start a savings account, plan for college, etc... you know the drill.

Listen...... I pissed away a education (college) because I put more into girls and partying. I found myself in construction and construction life is hard on a man ... believe me. Try to balance your life where you can date, have fun BUT hit those books man! The girls will come later when they can see the nice job you have, money in your pocket and a man with ambition.