Sorry Guys I neet to Vent my Girlfriend Problems

Well here's my opinion,
After reading this whole thread of good advice and some not so good this is how i see it.
I think the problem is you.(sorry) They(her parents) are just doing there job of protecting they're girl until she is of age.Your the one that is having a hard time with them trusting her.
Your depression and addition to pot is NOT they're problem its YOURS.You have to deal with it and move on.How are you going to start a healthy realationship with her when your house isnt clean.
Saying you cant live without her(in so many words) your nuts you've dated her for 3months YOU DONT KNOW THIS GIRL!!!
i dont understand why you dont give a ratts *** if her parents dont trust you?
wouldn't it be good if everyone trusted each other.
Have you told her parents that you have no interest in sex? They prbly wont believe you but its worth a shot....your a rare one at 17 and not having interest in sex is hard to believe....not out of the question...but unlikely!
Lastly STOP trying to make decisions for her parents and how much trust they should have for her!!!! Just a couple of years ago they didnt trust that lunch money was gonna make it to a boy comes along!!!
Put yourself in they're shoes and stop making it about you!!