Who's a diabetic??

I'm type 1 (insulin dependent). The doctor tried the type 2 route but I was eating salads, vegetable dinners, and it would still go high. The meds wasn't doing it for me and I felt like crap the whole time. He put me on insulin and I felt so much better the first day I felt like a total different person. I been fighting this crap since 03. I started having bad headaches all because my sugar was high. I of course didn't know what was causing it but was going to the doctor to give me something for the pain. The doc told me if the headache comes on again she was going to do blood work. Well the migraine headache happened again, blood work came next and the rest is history.

This weekend I was camping and my sugar got out of whack (low) plus I got sick at my stomach. I just wanted to get home in the air and get my sugar straightened out but I didn't make it out of the camp ground. My motorcycle caught a root and me and the bike fell over. My friends came running got me and the bike off the ground. It was hard getting to feet and walking because I felt so weak. After that they wouldn't let me back on the motorcycle but I really didn't want to get on it after that. I road home with my friends wife and kids and my friend rode my bike home for me today.

Steve I hope you have better luck with it than I do. I think this incident this weekend was a wake up call for me.