Who's a diabetic??

I have been a diabtetic since 1986, got diagnosed on Dec. 30th at age 15. What a great New Years that was. I remembe mt mom took me to see the doc about my eyes, because everthing was blurry. the doc took one look at me and told me to piss in the cup, in 2 minutes I was diagnosed. I had a blood level of 28 from all the pop I had been drinking to quench my thirst. I was down to 114 lbs and felt like the world was ending. Got to the hopspital and was upset saying I did not want this disease...doctor looked at me and said that I had two chioces. One, I could accept the fact that I will take 3-5 needles a day, plus 5-8 blood tests and live a long healthy life if I control my diabetes, OR I can choose option Two and be dead in 6 months. Needless to say I chose option one. As a young man it was a hard to adjust, but I have always been proud of my control and have always had an A1C (Avg. blood sugar test) of 6.1-6.8. As far as diseases go they all suck, BUT this one is manageable if you control it carefully. Your body will adjust. They told me 25 years ago if I ever had a sugar of 2 I would be dead, now days I have had 1.2 -1.7 readings and been able to have a conversation and act normal. My doctor is amazed, but it is still a disease you need to monitor constantly, BECAUSE low blood sugars SUCK! Thanks for letting me ramble on everyone, but it is nice to be able to share this with people in the same boat as myself!
