Another back surgery

I haven't been arournd here much the last year or two but I do lurk :happy1:

Anyway, I had back surgery a little over a year ago, unfortunately it didn't work. The reason I'm posting on this is I had several replys from people more or less in the same boat, so the results of this will be for them. I'm on the cusp of going in for the next surgery, in Canada the cusp is pretty vague :dontknow: I was slated to go in tomorrow, got bumped to the 13th and now I hear something broke in the OR so maybe the 21st? :shock:

My 1st surgery was a discectomy (cut the bulged disc off), and a foramonatomy, (sp?, drill holes in your vertebrae for nerve room)

This one is a fusion, hog out both sides of the vertebaes, add plates and screws and Bob's your Uncle, I hope :toothy7:
Hope all goes well for you.I too have back issues,4 herniated discs,4 pinched nerves.My discs are disinigrating causing pain daily,if it weren,t for meds I don,t think I,d working any longer.I,m too young to be getting surgery already(48)too scared if it doesnt work.Good luck and keep us updated.