Another back surgery

Hello nice to meet you
My name is Bruce
I feel you pain
I had a Anterior lumbar fusion for my lower L4 L5 S1 as well as a inguinal hernia and a umbilical hernia all at once.
I was good for a few years then I had a car accident and now have a fracture that cannot heal and I need another fusion
but that's life and we go on ,I wish you the best in your recovery and my advice take it slow and keep healthy and exercise as much as you can before surgery and after recovery,
over time you will feel the rest of your spine feeling the load and the healthy routine fights that tenancy,
Ask for help often pride here call in iou's and rely on family and friends and watch bending and turning.(let your body heal on this one!
you can use a crutch for a broken leg, a sling for an arm, a brace for your neck but your back???
My mending could have been better if I listened but.. my kid was little and i bent over twisted played as best I could I slowed and compromised the healing it did go solid but not 100% and I had a bone fusion with no cage, screws or anything used bone grafted from my hip, still did well until an auto accident.
Now as I wear pain patches get pain blocks and wait for my next surgery
at 47 I feel 67
I wish you the best and hope you feel better knowing there are others in your same boat!
think positive!