Another back surgery

wow this is why im doing everything in my power not to have back surgery. Im sorry and i know how the pain is. and anyone around you who doesnt have any back problems doesnt understand. Best of luck.

I don't know how bad you are but for me I got to the point where it was unbearable and only then did I take a number, and have to wait what appears to be 5 months best case scenerio. Should be better in the US but I keep hearing more and more that you're heading in our direction in that regards. Get in line early

That sucks..hope u get in soon

Thanks, aprreciate it!

Do you have to pay anything for your surgery? I realize you're in Canada is why I'm asking. Never have asked.

Best of luck with your surgery. My friend has had back surgery and he is doing better.

I know that feeling well with having diabetes.

I have a work related medical plan so I don't have to pay, not sure how it works for the less fortunate, I want to think for the most part they don't have to pay. About 9 years ago I had cancer and it was covered but I had to do these extra injections that cost a fortune, most of it was covered by my work's extended medical coverage. That wouldn't be covered for most people which is sad.

I can relate to diabetes a bit from having to inject myself with the nupegin (sp?) for the cancer. I really feel for people, especially kids that have to do that, it's always there, no down time or you could die. Which reminds me of how lucky I am. :thumrigh:

I have had a fusion and laminectomy at L5-S1, I can empathize. The pain before surgery was 8-8.5 on a 0-10 scale, now its about 4-5! I can live with that.

Same place for me, I would love 4 - 5 too :hello1: