Another back surgery

Eh, Rob...long text!!! I feel for you...I've had back problems for years...not bad enough to need surgery, but bad enough to stop me from doing certain things. Hope all works out for you, whenever the BC Medical System decides they're "here for you"!!

BTW...heard from JimmyBoy at all?

Good luck! :hello1:

I didn't see your post earlier. Yeah I'm ready if and when they ever are. No I haven't heard anything from JimmyBoy in a very long time. I should really send him an e-mail and see what's up.

I have had back surgery and it is not all ways the answer if you can live with the pain and you are not falling down do not get surgery.
I have had it 3 times and I still hurt keep moving do lots of stretching.
I was falling down about every 20 feet so I had to go for it.
Now they want to cut me open again no way I will live with the pain.
Just my thoughts about it once you start it never stops. :banghead:
Good luck with what ever you do.

I'm not falling down but I can't live this way either, can't work, can only walk for a minute or two and basically spend most of the day hunched over looking at my feet. I know surgery isn't always going to work, the last one didn't but I really have no choice. Sorry to hear about your condition, sounds bad.

The reason I ask is I have NO insurance. I can't afford it. Everything comes out of pocket.

That stinks, I'm fortunate that way but with all the delays I'll be loosing quite a bit of pay from not working.