My schooling starts tonight

Thank you keith :D
Way to go Mike. Have fun and cover your behind. Dont trust paypals buyer/seller protection plan to be on your side. Im sure Treva knows whats going on. I started selling in 2005 but haven't done much lately. Look me up, I go under 340swinger71.
I sure will :cheers: Look you up :D and going to enjoy this I think :burnout:

Ebay works! I know peeps who claim they make $3K a month. It can work with some knowledge and organization. One word of advise, do not take conflicts personally. Some times there are no happy endings with a transaction, just have to make the customer happy so they do not leave negative feed back.

It can be a great way to make some cash-

Good luck!
Thank you Red fish :cheers: I will keep that in mind and I have started a system :hello2: Well my wife's :D She has been doing it a long time and I have allot to learn to do it on my own :hello2:

Congrats on starting a new adventure.
Thank you Cliff :hello2: I am digging you Cordoba!! Very nizze:blob:

Congrats Memike, I know with how you communicate here, that it will all go well for you on Ebay.Let people know here thru pm's what you are name is on ebay, as they may be able to help bump the price up! Good luck!!
I should have my seller user name tonight and thank you for the morel support :hello2:

PM sent. Oh and for the pics check your cameras setting it might have one called macro. You can take really close pics with no blurry it is really good for details and small writing. Good luck.
Gotcha :hello2: I will have brother get me updated on that right away :hello2:

Selling on ebay is a piece of cake. Detail your descriptions to a fault, keep your word, only list the number of items you are personally able to keep track of, pack, and ship, ship faster than you say you will, and 98% of the battle is fought.

There's still 2% of the buying public that will suck your soul from your shoes.

Be sure to budget quality boxes, packing material, and tape into your selling price.

Last of all, have fun!

I'm Criscobath on ebay, btw.
Will do, and thank you for everything to keep in mind while I move forward on a new venture Criscobath :D

Also inflat ur prices to cover the 10% final fees and 6% paypal fees..good luck
I see there is many ebay folks here superdart340 :D, Thank you for jumping in and adding to the to do list and how I need to look at my starting prices, My wife is going to freak when she see's this thread of help :hello2:

Thank you everyone for all the great info and support here, If I have anything MoPar you will see me post it up here first

Yall Rock