Spectra or quanta??? Help!!

I just put a Spectra sender in my '67 Barracuda, connected to the factory gas gauge. The gauge remains pegged over full through the first 4 gallons, then drops somewhat linearly through the next 6 gallons 'til it reads 1/8 full. At that point, there are still 8 gallons of fuel in the (18 gallon capacity) tank.

The sender's approximate ohm range is 10 ohms at full, 80 at empty.

BTW, I would have responded sooner, but you did say you got all the help you needed. Then I decided to tell my story anyway.


Stock range is 10 73 NON LINEAR config....the repop sending units are LINEAR ....causing the stock gauge to act stupid. That is all I heard RE: stock gauges & repop sending units
I don't have stock gauges so I did no research on that...just relating ancillary info discovered during my investigations about MY problem.

AFTER MARKET gauges are set up for NON LINEAR...RE POP fuel sending units are often made in CHINA...the manufacturers never considered the non linear variable resistance ground. SO they made them all linear...meaning that once installed they will register full & empty just peachy ANYTHING in between is FUBAR!! and if the tank has any sloshing around ( as they all do) your gauge will be completely crazy JUST LIKE MINE IS!!!

Autometer has a right now solution available on SOME gauge models...( meaning YOU buy another gauge.) AM is also considering the idea of making a linear based gauge to also address the issue.

A BODY Joe gave me the solution, I just wanted AM to admit they and their selling dealer screwed UP!!! THEY KNOW this is an issue!!! They have an adjustable gauge that can be programmed to somewhat solve the issue....it is not really exact but it gets you close and if you get close on the high side ( meaning you still have some gas when it reads empty,) you should be ok.

The ***** of it is...these gauges are not CHEAP by any stretch of the imagination AND pulling out your entire IP to swap out a gauge and leaving it out to program said gauge is not at all a fun prospect.

For sending people down the completely incorrect path, I feel the dealer should eat the cost of the gauge that WORKS with aftermarket sending units since it is a well known fact the stock units are no longer available and the aftermarket ones dont work with that gauge, why sell a gauge that ONLY works with a stock sending unit when you already KNOW the sender isnt stock and the gauge will never work with the NON stock sender!!
To me that is a plain and simple rip off, because they KNOW as they are selling you the first gauge that you will NEED to buy a second gauge to have it work properly!!!! Assclowns!!

The three tech guys at AM were very helpful over the 4 hours spent talking with them about "what happened and what to do".... apparently several TNL's were sent out to the dealers to let them KNOW NOT to sell the non programmable gauge to use with an aftermarket sending unit...but WHO reads those silly technical news letters?!?!?!? The guys that sell the gauges certainly do not!!! can't imagine WHY?...why sell you the correct gauge when they can make a second sale by selling the incorrect one first Knowing that you cannot return anything electrical and MUST buy another gauge!!!

Mancini's is going to get an earful from me!!! That gauge was about $75...and so is the new one...bringing my fuel gauge expense to $140 and that does not guarantee that it will work...I may have to replace the sending unit as well!!! I am pretty far from OK on this