Plymouth Valiant Signet 4d

28 august 2011

Well the day started great. I easily removed the interior of the car! All seemed to look great...

The seats are in great condition and don't have any signs. :-)

Only the doors have some spots below, but that's quit common.

29 August 2011

Today I wanted to scrape the floor of the car, but wish I didn't.... :-( The worst that could happened... I found a bad spot and it just didn't stop. The main problem is one of the beams is also rusted. You can clearly see it in the photo of 31st of August.
So I had to think about the whole restoration. Especially as I'm not an expert and all the work that suddenly showed on my doorstep. What to do next...

30 august

Today I started to gather information about all the possibilities that remain. So I found a address for a new floor-panel, but still the main problem is the beam underneath the car which is completely rotten. Also the beam to the front is in very bad state. Both have to be replaced and as I'm not a welder this means.... time, money, etc.

So I also got lots of info from different experts who perform restorations for a living. At the end it is possible, but a hell of a job. Especially for a rather big investment for a simple Valiant.
Also I got some great info for the advantages and disadvantaged for different baths.

Hmmmmm,.... what will be next.

Well bringing the car to the Junkyard will end it for sure,.. so it couldn't hurt just to cut it open and take a better look at the problem.

31 August 2011

Well today I continued with the Valiant and made a better photo of one of the beam.
Still not sure what to do with this situation...

In the mean time I'm killing some time to continue with the rest of the car. So I removed the inner-panels of the door.

Tomorrow I'll have limited time but will try to remove the door windows.

So really hope some of you will follow me the coming year(s) and van give me some advice!
