Spectra or quanta??? Help!!

Re-read YOUR post #2 above. It says "thanks for the overwhelming flood of assistance on the call for help!!
Saved me oodles of research & phone call time"

If you were trying to be sarcastic, know that sarcasm doesn't work very well on internet forums.

As for the linear gas sender I have now, I may not care for how it is calibrated, but my factory gas gauge does not act crazy, it just shows "empty" when I still have 1/3 tank left. Beats the heck out of having no working gauge at all!

My Spectra brand sender was labeled "made in Canada".

Sorry your bulb doesn't burn that bright to see that NO one had responded when I made that comment....OVERWHELMING RESPONSES MEANS too many to count....did you SEE too many to count?...... or did you REALLY think I had all the answers???

Never engage a battle of wits unarmed....sarcasm is all over this site...where have you been?