98 Ram SS/T Redo/Restore

I have been looking at the paint on the truck since I got it and it needed some attention as well. So I went and bought some Turtle Wax rubbing compound the red paste stuff and some Turtle Wax white liquid compound stuff and went to work with my little cheap orbital polisher that I had. The previous owner had driven from MO to NC with a tarp pulled over the bed sides and it had beat the paint to a matte finish in a large protion of the bed including the tailgate. I worked slowly starting with the red then on to the white compound. After I was done I finished it off with a good hand polished coat of Meguiars Gold Class wax. All I can say is WOW!! This has become a totally new truck, clean interior, shiny clean paint, detailed underhood, new tune up. Sure don't look like or perform like a $1500 truck I can tell you that.