What is with people Today?

If you're dealing with Craigslist AKA Flakeslist I totally understand.

I was looking at a few things on Craigslist and found a Jeep that I was pretty excited about, emailed the guy a few times, he sent pictures the pics showed a rougher Jeep than I thought. The screamin' deal became an okay deal, and I lost interest. What'd I do? I emailed the guy, thanked him for his time, but decided to go in a different direction. His response, he emailed back and thanked me. I was really glad I didn't just look at the pics and hit delete.

I make it a point now to answer EVERY email from an actual human that sends me one.

So I think a few things are happening.

1. When doing stuff over the internet, things are impersonal so people are often rude even when they don't want mean to be. For me personally, I love to do business over the interwebz, I can do it at 3:00 AM, I can write EXACTLY what I want. But, I won't deal with a company that doesn't respond to emails, in a timely manner.

2. Companies only compete on price, quality and especially service isn't valued by many (notice I didn't say all), so companies force down prices by hiring people who don't care, end result calls not returned.

3. Companies don't hire enough people. Again they are competing only on price, not price, quality and service. So they don't hire enough people to service their customers effectively. Ever shop at Wal-Mart (I try not to but occasionally go in to the store) it's always a disaster, messy isles can't find anything, no one to help you, but hey its f-ing cheap. Wal-mart won't pay for enough quality employees and it shows. Unfortunately that seems to be the predominate business model in the US now.


Joe Dokes