What is with people Today?

It's called "A Lack of Customer Service".

Customer service is a thing of the past. The problem is over the years we've come to expect and accept less and less from those we do business with, and that includes everyone from the President of some companies to waiters and waitresses. It seems that they have no idea what good customer service is.

How many times have you walked into a fast food restaurant and waited at the counter because the teenagers and young adults are too busy having personal discussions at the top of their lungs, or playing grab *** with each other, the the idiot who is supposed to be the manager on duty is no better. Yet, they see nothing wrong with their behavior.

Then there are personal cell phone calls while you're waiting for service.

I can go on, but you get my drift. In short, everything is more important than paying attention to your customer.

Recently my wife and I went out to have lunch at a local restaurant. The hostess sat us quickly, but it took a while for the waitress to get to us. After 6 or 7 minutes, I took out about 10 one dollar bills and placed them on the table, and I explained to the waitress that that was her tip. Each time she screws up, I'm taking a dollar away. I then took one dollar away for having to wait so long for her to even acknowledge that we were sitting there.
At the end of the meal, she made a 6 dollar tip. She screwed up my order, and she screwed up my wife's drink, and she also messed up my drink order, "Shaken, not stirred". ;)

Based on 18%, her tip should have been about $8.00. Had she been perfect, I would have given her all $10.00. Her lack of professionalism and customer service cost her $4.00 of her tip.

Years ago the stacked tip-o-meter worked well, but today they do not get the tips alone they have to share so it does not have the same effect that it used to have, but it does feel good to take those dollars away.