BMW drivers, why??

Somewhere on another BMW forum there is a similar post "Mopar Owners, why? - I tried to accelerate to get out of my lane which ended and into another lane but some a*hole in an old muscle car wouldn't let me in...." :)

I have a neighbor who I had a run in with a while back.....he now likes to play chicken of sorts (not full on chicken, but definately pushing over the line)when we meet coming around corners. I just stay in my lane and he always swerves. I cant tell if he is playing games or is just a sh!tty driver, honestly. I just smile and think to myself "He's such a dick".

He drives a BMW but he also does the same stuff in his decade old Hyundai.

Moral of the story --
A dick is a dick whether he drives a Beeeeeemer, and Hyundai or even a Mopar. Its not the car's fault. LOL