BMW drivers, why??

Usually its on streets posted at 45-50mph when im just starting to get up to speed. so when I let off its usually within the speed limit. I get cut off a lot here just so the guy behind me can be one whole car length ahead at the next light.

Sorry if I came off as judgemental -- it was a ***** of a day and frankly I have been known to do the same thing if the guy is being a real i cant condemn anyone else for doing it...LOL

Hell, the whole trip back from NC thru VA it was @sshole after @sshole riding my @ss and then trying to zip around to get in front of me and go no I started riding the person in front of me to prevent that.....until I realized it was a recipe for I get older I have more and more of those "What happens if...." moments and I back off.

Still have plenty of lapses in good judgement though I guess...LOL