BMW drivers, why??

Are these guys arrogant, or what? They always seem to need to show they have a fast car.

I was at a light when a 750-I pulled up beside me. His lane ended about an 1/8th of a mile from the light. Wouldn't you know it, he floored it at the green. So I did the same. He got the jump on me but I had him by two car lengths with the barracuda before the merge and still winding up. Man was he peeved off, I guess he's used to blowing people away.

This was not a residential area btw, or I would've let it go.

As a BMW owner and a MUSCLE CAR owner, all I have to say is if your stupid enough to play the game, I hope it catches up with you, in whichever lane your in, ON THE STREET.

Now, having said that, it's more than likely we all have been guilty of this at one time or another!