another dead overdrive unit

I dont mean to be a jerk, but what the heck happened to Chrysler? A 727 is bulletproof, daily driving and hard work no problem, you have to be an idiot to hurt one! Those stinkin 518's...I dont know anyone that hasnt had thiers rebuilt! Side note you giys on here that have kept them alive...I reckon you are pretty darn good drivers! Not many of those anymore.( man I sound like one old 40 yr old! hahaha) Had one buddy that went through 8 Dodge rams after the 93 restyle, just loves em, however he has had 17 transmissions! The only one that didnt get a trans was a Mexican built truck he had for 4 weeks! He insisted in the deal that his truck be a domestic...he didnt even know it until a week later when we pointed it out! The dealer made good on the deal and a month later they swapped him for a domestic...and you guessed it b4 it was out of warranty, it got a trans! How did Chrysler go from having the most underworked trans mechanics, to the richest trans mechanics? Just for the record, my buddy tows a heavy enclosed cycle trailer and works the devil out of them during the winter...skid of salt in the back, heavy plow, and heavy spreader. He also isnt the best driver, not quite idiot, but not good!