Amazing Dart on ebay, not mine though

It used to be a truism that one would never get the cost of a restoration out of any restored car.
Selling it would invariably result in a “loss”. Perhaps this has changed? Or was it not the case?
Haven’t we all seen ads where the seller tells how much he has in the car, but he will sell it for less?
In fact, just a few years ago, I remember reading one of the restoration “authorities” say that he would not consider putting restoration money into any Mopars except a Hemi car or Six Pac. For that very reason.
That came from someone in it for the money.
At any rate my cars would be an exception. I have very little money in them by any scale.
But I have time invested. That counts I suppose.
If not, then I could make a good deal of money.
Besides, they are not “restored”.
They are built Mopar “stock”. I have made Mopar upgrades.
I built them to like I wanted them and with driving in mind.

I would drive this car too. Looks like a good Mopar for that.
But I wouldn't pay that much. My choice.
I hope that makes ME a survivor.