Friday nite from he11

This last Friday I installed a new cap and rotor and dialed in the carb with new plugs and the 67 Valiant 170 slant was happy,
My 14 yr old daughter has a B-party to attend so I give her a ride to the next town over then after her party I PLANNED to take her to spend the night at her grandmothers on our way there I pull in to get gas and on the off ramp the car spins a friggin bearing or.. maybe a rod I pulled in to check it out and get gas well I checked the oil and it was low my bad I didn't check it before we left and I meant to but this car does not use much oil.So I added the oil since the car was not hot as far as radiator temp. any ways I add oil and start it back up let it idle for a few minutes and it ran pretty good until it hits about 2600 RPMs then I could hear noise like a bearing so I know at this point motor has to come out (and I have a small block waiting) so I load my kid up and with a wing and a prayer we head out and I'd stay low in rpms for about a 10 min ride to her party and I decided to not go mess around and I just waited because I was going to limp her home..after the party we head to Grammas so thru the towns of Aptos ,Freedom,Watsonville ,Pajaro, Castroville,Noth Salinas actually took the long way to avoid any hills and putting a load on the car..we were almost there and the car cough's and dies so I wait a minute and started her back up and then drove another her another two miles saying prayers all the way to gammas and we turn onto her private drive and the Valiant just couldn't make it up the hill so I back down the hill and place both passenger tires on curb my daughter climbs our drivers side Grab my stereo and amp and we walk up three houses up the hill and spend the night.
Next morning I call for a tow truck and have them meet me at the car (each house sits on 3.5 to 4.5 acres so I walk down the hill and its 3 houses down and the nice lady tow driver is there.... but my Valiant is not!....I felt SO0o.. VIOLATED anyways went to call the good guys...POLICE to get help and Its then I found out that it was towed by the highway patrol..Here is where the night mare begins!.
Its my moms house at the top of the mountain we don't know what goes on too much about the neighbors lower down the road.. there's acres between us
Turns out the newest neighbor is a hi-way patrol and he called in my car called it in at 2 am only 1.5 hrs after I parked it at 1145 on a private community drive , I did not know that the home across from him was vacant or recently had a problem with squatters or even that the hi-way patrol neighbor came home one day and his house was Burglarized. I just happen to brake down and parked the car safely on a dead end private drive that this Hi-way patrol officer called it in as a "suspicious vehicle" (profiling Mopars now?) and another Hi-way patrol arrives and they call the tow truck to tow the Valiant the reason now it blocking the roadway? saying it was blocking the roadway?? originally called in as a suspicious vehicle?? car was locked up tight when curbed and parked by me on a straight stretch of 2 lane road
I was not even allowed 3 hrs to retrieve my car and before it was towed!
Cost me $370.oo to get her out! tow was provided by my road service...
Can I sue?
I usually never think of such a thing but this HP officer wanted the car gone from the other side of the street and used his job to get the car towed, and he THOUGHT the car was not connected with the area at all.
But still ? my car did belong , it just broke down 3 doors down Does he have any legal right to tow my posted notice or anything, that's $310.00 I could have put into the car to fix it!
Oh my mom did call this new neighbor who admitted he called it in but another officer made the call to tow but I talked to tow people and I am told that the new neighbor came down and talked to the other Hi-way Patrol officer when he towed it not what he told my mom he told her it was passed to Sheriffs because CHP was to busy but not so CHP officer is the officer who authorized the tow.
Its a ***** getting taxed like that!
there is 14 feet of usable road when my car was parked broken at the curb less than 3 hrs...cmon!

So I have a 1967 273 I will run in the Valiant but I need a overdrive 4 spd for it..going to swap out the manual 3 speed .ANYONE!!??I have the Bell housing I need the rest
And thanks for the rant..! I hate abuse of power my car is not like a Harley is it ..? in that it gets stereo typed?.. like in a bad way
Its a VALIANT! complete and 100% stock except slot rims.
Bruce B.