Amazing Dart on ebay, not mine though

ramcharger said
I've had countless people wonder why I would put so much time into such a turd, but I just turn around and ask them how they spend thier free time. Usually it's "watching TV, going to movies, or sitting at a bar". "Well" I say, "It sounds like time well spent, what's your return on these activities?". That usually shuts them up.


Oh,oh,oh. Mr. Kotter.
That is flawless. Hope I get to use it some day.

California? West coast prices?
Well, how are things on the west coast? Looking real fine?
I miss it.
I spent three years in Seattle and drove my Dart there from the East coast.
It seems like EVERYONE there, who has an old car, DRIVES it.
(Like me)
When I had to pack up and come home I put a mini-trailer behind it and drove back with my tools. If ever get time to figure it how, I will put a picture of me in the middle of Wyoming with the trailer behind it.
ItÂ’s mighty lonesome out there.