CHECK VOLTAGE getting to system? More and more problems with bulkhead connectors

PULL CONNECTORS at ECU and distributor, work them in/ out to scrub clean, and "feel" for tightness.

CHECK reluctor gap, test shaft by wiggling, look for reluctor damage striking pickup, or magnetic junk stuck to reluctor/ pickup

Check ballast, easiest is with test lamp or just try another, or temporarily bypass

IN FACT for testing, you can jumper both sides of the ballast together, and JUMPER DIRECT to the battery or big stud on the starter relay. This way you know you have power "that far."

(Buy some Radio Shi* test clip leads)

CHECK for spark at the coil, by using a clip lead / screwdriver or your test lamp. This eliminates the coil wire/ distributor/ plug wires/ rotor as part of the test problem. If you do NOT have spark right at the coil it has to be

distributor problem (reluctor/ pickup/ bad connection, distributor not turning)

bad resistor

system not getting power

bad ECU and check the ECU ground. SUSPECT the ECU connector before you replace ECU