318 head porting for the average joe

OK time to add my 3d cent:razz:

Sometimes you can actually gain cfm in the upper lift by simply removing the mirror finish!

My first intake port in my 360 head(that i still haven’t finished) i put a grate polish to the hole port, look real nice. Flowed it again, upper flow drop a bunch at .530 lift and was less then .500 lift.
You could actually here the sound change as the cfm took a dive!

Was told that a ruff texture would help to keep the air attached on the ssr.
Got out some 80 grit emory cloth and took all the shin a way.
Air flow came back at the upper lift, Yeah:blob:...... all was grate.............until i got greedy and when searching for more air/cfm:hmph:

Polishing my look cool, but Don't do it in a intake port!