Stroker Pistons, 318 3.58 stroke?

So, I know there's 3.58" stroke cranks out there, and I've read of 3.79" stroke cranks... Where would one find pistons for such things?
I like the idea of a bigger 318 but feel the now common 4" is a bit much for a mostly street engine, given all the ??? of life span with the 4" arm and associated cylinder wear from the greater thrust loads.
Also, though I've read of the 3.79" cranks, I don't see any out there. Was that something out there before the current wave of 4" cranks?
Any input appreciated (besides the obvious, just get a 360)...
(318s are still usually close to free, and hey I actually like'em, plus there's always the "what's in that?", oh just a 318...)

I am actually collecting the parts to build a 318 with the 360 3.58" stroke. I have everything except the MP crank and I will be buying that soon. This will actually be a budget build. Don't laugh. The biggest expense will be the crank and balancing. I bought the pistons from a great Fabo member who just used them for mock up. Everything else I have either bought used or on the cheap.

Why am I building a 349? Because I can and I want to be different. :D