1969 dodge dart roller, whats it worth?

Nice Dart SC. I'm not an expert on Mopar's [Ima chevy dude...but learning alot here on the forums] but I'm pretty nice with flipping cars hahaha. In my *humble* opinion...I think you can get what you want out of the car but your going about it the wrong way.

In this economy...people almost expect YOU to pay them to buy your car. As insane as it may be...people expect black friday prices all day everyday. I know your targeting that mopar guy who has a drivetrain and 3rd member ready to go but the reality is...that guy already has 2 or 3 projects going. If there a car slut like me they'll consider another project...but only for a steal.

Your car would be perfect for a part time enthusiast who just wants to be able to get in, turn the key, drive, and look badass lol. Part timer's will pay a *premium* for not having to do any work to the car. Alot of the car's i turn around are to guys who just dont have the time, knowledge, or desire to drop an entire drivetrain and rearend. By removing the hard mechanical part out of the equation...you leave the paint, interior, and accesories...which most part time regular dudes can wrap thier head around lol

While this idea may suck and involve you doing additional work [which is a PITA especially when you just want the car ghost]...I'd stab the drivetrain and rear back into the car and get her running again. THENNNNNN...i'd try and trade it for the power wagon of your choice thats comparable to your dart. People are short on money...but thiers no shortage of guys who have cars they've invested in who want to swap out for something different.

Just my 2 cents.

Cheers mate : )
