engine stand wiring harness

OK, the easiest way is just wire it up "sort of like the factory." This is because on most cars, the ballast resistor bypass circuit is done (Ford, GM, etc) by the starter solenoid. On Mopars it's done right in the ignition switch

Here's the deal on Mopar ECU boxes.

The older so called "5 pin" boxes MUST use a 4 pin ballast

The newer so called "4 pin" boxes CAN use EITHER a 2 or 4 pin ballast

If you wire the stand for a 4 pin resistor, you are all set for either box

You can NOT tell by looking at the box. Many 4 pin boxes still have the 5th pin. You must use a meter to tell if the 5th pin is hooked to anything, but again, using a 4 pin resistor, "you don't care." Plug it in and "go."

It is important to see that the 4 pin resistor is NOT the same on both halves. Note in the wiring diagram the upside down "U" shape on one end. This identifies "which way" it lies, so hook up just like the drawing

5 pin ECU:

4 pin ECU:

OK, so hook up your ignition as far as the ignition diagrams go. Again, if you use the 5 pin diagram/ 4 pin ballast, it will work with any ECU that you plug in.

On the diagram below, tie the wire labled "existing wire" on the ignition diagram above, and run the brown bypass directly to coil positive post.

If you have trouble with your switch, post a photo of the rear of the switch. The drawing is how my 67 switch is laid out