The Eight Beers Americans No Longer Drink

Meister Brau, that was the other keg beer we got. I visited my buddy in WA state, Bellingham area, and was suprised that pitchers of local Tumwater, WA corp beer (seems all the cheap stuff is brewed in Tumwater) were like 4 bucks a pop. Visit a college town, like Goleta, CA (UCSB) and beer is freaking cheap, 12 packs for 4.99, suitcases for 6.99 cases for 9. then there was always clean out your couch and car seats for change "Lucky Lager"...11 oz bottles and the puzzles in the caps. Ooof! remember red white and blue, black label, Brew 102, the classic Ralphs/Kroger plain wrap "BEER"