charging issues

just so i understand... is the amm gauge a positive and a negative? or is it positive current flow through the gauge ? AND where exactly do the wires originate from to the gauge? i am going to do this FOR SURE because i cant afford to fry the harness, but i need to know where the wires lead to, and THANKS A MILLION

Download a shop manual on this thread......,+download

Usable diagrams from here:

Go down to wiring/ electrical and select your model/ year

which came from this web page

This diagram came from that article, and shows a simplified current path of the big current conductors through the bulkhead. What is NOT shown here is the bulkhead connector for the "dark blue" IGN run wire

One thing I forgot to point out, and this diagram shows, is that you can have MULIPLE problems, IE three or four bad connections in the bulkhead connector, AND the "WELDED SPLICE". One of our members I was conferring with just found a bad one, and that makes some 6 or so bad splices in my lifetime. This is a factory welded splice in the under-dash harness, all taped up.