Question about Lifter Oil Gallery Plugs

thanks. But it didn't answer the other important part of the question -is it possible that one of them can block off the oil feed to the front main bearing? And i can see his point - the thrust plate will go a good way to sealing the ends and especially if using silicone. But the core plugs are there for a reason. I will have to check out another block to see how far into the gallery the oil feed to #1 lies.

Just edited this now to add this: i went and checked another stripped LA block i had - there are two oil feeds to the #1 main and the feed holes are deep enough back from the from the front of the block so that the core plugs i installed will keep them clear. I can see how a deep plug, or one that is pressed in too far though will block the feed hole.

The short answer is yes , but you figured that out yourself. Early engines used the thrust plate to seal the passages. Their thrust plates were machined flat to seal these passages. New thrust plates may not seal and hence the need for core plugs.