1963 426 stgII max wedge

RRsavoy made a lot of good points with a lot of good info, it actually made me and dad go back thru our vast collection of TSB's and HP service manuals from chrysler. The date code stamp is still up in the air for me to confirm exactly how to read it but regardless this engine is what it is. As far as the SA carbs the stgIII carbs all had SA in their numbers and though I cannot find any definate designation as to the SA on my carbs I personally have never seen a set outside the pics posted of a set of carbs without the SA in the number. I even pulled another set of carbs off the shelf from my 63 Fury and thos too have SA on them, hard to believe all of these were replacements, not arguing just saying.
Thanks for all the replies and interest, if anyone knows of someone that might be interested I would appreciate them sending them my way.

PS if this engine didnt spark enough interest just wait to see what I advertise next...