Cuda Console Restoration

Nice job there !

I probably would have thrown those parts away and looked for better ones, but you did a nice job bringing them back to life.

I just bought a used console from a fabo member, hope it looks better than what you started with when it arrives.

Thanks MileHigh! That's pretty much what the customer said too. "Anything you can do with it is bound to be better than it is now ..." Good luck with your purchase! Hope it's everything you need and was represented accurately.

That looks great. Way to bring a part back to life.

Now I have to wrap my head around the concept of a gal who gets giddy when someone sends her **it. Not to mention how well she polishes it.

Kev, you never fail to make me smile. Diamonds?? Gold?? New cabinets in the kitchen?? Nahhhhhhh, just give me car parts to play with and I'm a happy woman. :-D