Edie: The Dart

The Genesis:

Almost a couple years ago, a good friend and I got to talking one day about our mutual affinity for Plymouth a-bodies. As time went on, we committed to a plan to build one as a team type of deal. Being a guy his 20's, ready for anything, mechanically inclined person that I am, (and lack of employment at the time) I thought it could be fun to do a car the full way. Get into rebuilding several aspects, and learn a whole hell of a lot in the process. (Don't tell anyone, but I was a GM guy originally, and I've got most of my old car experiences with their trucks, first rod was a 67/69 4x4.)

The car was a Alaskan grandma's car, driven down to Everett, WA. Driven by her gangster wannabe grandson. Bought it little less than 2 years ago.

I wish I had some original pictures the process I did on the mechanical portions. But it's not necessary, every one here has seen a dart. (Camera got misplaced, and one of the reasons I postponed and poo-pooed a restoration post.) It was a decent running 225 slant, with the usual trunk rot due to leaky window seal, and and floor rot due to leaky front window sealing. Had driver side 1/4 right by the door impacted pretty good. Although the frame is great, the car is solid for the most part, and all of the interior and exterior was intact and original. Got it for 900 bones.

So, after driving it around for a few weeks, we set off working at his parents ranch in the barn. One weekend Stripping the trunk out, the next installing new shocks and a 1-1/8 front sway bar to start the party off right. And as the weeks progressed and the mechanical portions of the car we're coming to a close, his interest wayned, and by the time I baught the 360 magnum and rebuilt, and dropped it in, he called uncle unfortunately. He decided it was too intense for him, and bailed on a 1/3 finished car. Ouch.. The show must go on.