Building a garage, cost $$$$

I have a metal shop for my business.
I know there are folks from all over the country posting here but I think is is prudent to bring this up.
It is hotter than Hell in the summer and you'll freeze your butt off in winter....IF you don't insulate the thing as thick as you can. Even then it may be uncomfortable on extreme temperatuire days. Yesterday it was 104 here in Sacramento and in the winter it can get into the upper 20's at nite.
This can add LATER to your cost when you discover this after the fact, so you should figure that cost in now.

I have one of the US-Building steel buildings for a garage that is not insulated.

In the summer I work in it with the overhead door open and suprisingly it's no hotter inside than the outside air temperature. It may have something to do with the silver color. Just last Saturday it was in the mid 90's when I changed the steering rack in a friends car. It was more comfortable to be in the garage than in the sun.

In the winter it gets down to zero degrees quite often. I have a propane garage heater that I use. It will take about 20 minutes to bring the inside air temperature up to a comfortable working temperature from zero degrees. I have several 20lb propane bottles I use. One bottle will be good for 3 or 4 1/2 day work sessions in the garage.

If you were trying to maintain a constant temperature in the building insulation would be mandatory but for an occasional work area and storage for your car it is not necessary. The only issue I have had that insulation may help with is when there is a rapid change in temperature from cold to warm I get some condinsation inside the garage.

