**Twin Turbo 67 Dart Project**

Wondering on the cage, why did you not make the tubing meet at the same places? Like the bar that gies from the main hoop to the subframe connectors. The halo to the trunk bars, the forward strut bars to the dash bar ect. Seems to me on an impact your asking for the tubing to kink the bar in-between two opposing tubes. And the bend in the forward strut bar to the a pillar bar seems like a bad idea to me. It's a weak point in the tube and on a front impact could bend and sever a leg or impale you. I'm not trying to be negative, just trying to find the reasoning behind it. I have seen a bunch of cages with bars similar (not meeting up at a common joint) and could never figure out why. My cage has all joints supported by another tube to avoid a kink in a collision it may be overkill but is there such a thing when it's safety? I know your buddy has built others, and the cage is well constructed as far as fit up, and design, but it seems like there are too many kink points in it. Are you planning on a getting a cert? I assume not, because I don't know your removable seat belt bar would pass. Again I'm not trying to be negative just trying to understand the thought process for the decisions made.

The guy that helped me with the cage has been doing this for 20 Years.

If you have a better Idea on how to do the Forward Strut Bars with a car that sits 3" Lower than stock and will be converted over to Coil Overs and not rub the tires AND has absolutely NO ROOM Left in the engine compartment because of Twin Turbo's Under a Stock Hood & Body, please point out how to do it. I am all ears.

Do you see how tight the tube is on the forward strut bars to the inner fenders?? It will be stitch welded to the inner fenders and All Penetrations that go through the firewall will be plated and fully welded off. Sooooo There is absolutely no way for me to get SPEARED or my legs cut off by that tube.

Yes the Removable Bar behind the seat will pass inspection as long as there are Grade 8 Bolts in it when you Race.

Yes the cage will pass certification to 8.50

I don't know how many cages you have seen but Most are built just like mine is. There are many ways to skin a cat. Also you are looking at a half finished job.

Here is a link to some more cages... You should go ahead and let all of us know your expert opinion on all of them. I will be eagerly awaiting your response to this thread.
