My 2 year 1965 Barracuda Resto

first of all - THANX for all your compliments:wav:

Did you pull the rear quarter panels off just so you could get at the rust on the inside? quote]

yes that´s reason why !! the only rust we have seen before we took the quarter panels off, was beside the long chrometrim-part - after i put off there where some minor spots an two or three little rusty holes under it. Threrefore a good friend of mine (Gustav Widegren from Sweden, he´s one of the members of the famous A-Bombers-HotRod-Club, and without his help, the car would not look the way it does now :prayer: btw. he builds also very hot HotRods) anyway.... he take a little mirror on flexible stick and so we could have a look under the skin, what we saw here made it easy for me. The panels had to be pulled off if we will get through all the rust inside.