death threats

well let me start out by saying my wife isnt crazy about cars like i am so she doesnt like when i bring home new toys that being said i have a 59 willis rat rod sitting in my front yard that i just started on and i was driveing a pos honda (yea shoot me now please) untill a month or so ago anyways i run across a 74 dart sport /6 904 7.25 rear 4whl non power drum brake car 800 bucks i couldnt pass it up i love old cars although i have never had the money for a mopar so i sold the honda and bought the dart (without telling the wife first) needless to say she not happy "another stinking project if you bring home one more ill kick your butt" lmao you should have seen her face when she got home from work and saw the truck trailer and 74 swinger sitting in our driveway this past sunday so these are my first mopars and i need some advise the swinger has a 318 904 and 8.25 with disc drum power brakes im wanting to swap that into the sport cause i like that body better any who my goal with the sport is a 400 horse daily driver will the 904 and 8.25 be good in this and what am i looking at to get that amount of power out of a 318 and dont worry all you /6 guys im not junking the 6 from the sport it will be built into the leaning tower of power it should be and getting put in my rat not to mention i have allready been thinking about building a gasser out of the swinger but first thing first got to get sport done lol so much to do so little time any advise on would be a blessing thanx guys