A Valiant BJ / Powerdyne BD-11

How long have you had the PJII?

The methanol injection has been discussed on the Powerjection forums before, here is one thread:


Also a lot of turbocharger / supercharger info there. You probably want the latest software if you have had that unit more than a year.

I would run NGK 2322 plugs & target 11.0 to 11.5 AFR on boost.


I am not running fuel injection, but rather, a blow-thru modified Holley 750 double pumper. My question is this: The air/fuel ratio is made richer by adding pure methonol with a spray unit to the incoming air stream, but how is that mixture affected (on an A/F ratio broadband O2 sensor) when it's a mixture of water and methanol?

Is it still going to show richer, or will the water act a combustion deterrent for the meth, and not change the exhaust gas A/F ratio?

I have a F.A.S.T. broadband datalogging O2 sensor meter, but have not hooked it up yet, and was wondering what to look for in terms of the spray's effect on the A//F numbers, with or without water in the spray (50/50 mix.)

Any help here would be appreciated!O:)