Whats my Dart worth?

I wouldn't let it go for less than $35k+. Probably half of the build cost

while the car is bad-arse, it is a limited market, and value. if someone is going to spend 25k + on one of these a bodies, they are more inclinded to buy a true gts or another type of high performance from the factory car.
while the e bodies still bring great money modded to personal taste, alot of the a bodies do not bring that kind of money.
i will say they start to top out, so to speak.
i know he has alot into this car, and it shows, but if i was going to buy one already done, and it had a price tag of 35k, and the new challenger has a price tag of not too much more. you know what would be sold. by putting the modern engine in the car, it takes alot of nastlgia away from it, to be more modern, and at that price, people will just want the whole car to be modern!.
id buy a numbers correct gts or cuda, or something along thosae lines