ignorant people rant

Sorry to hear that, and you have every right to be pissed. Sad thing is its way too common in urban areas. Kids now-a-days can't differentiate between fact or fiction. My 16 year old brother in law wanted to be a thug so bad he could taste it, pants hanging off his backside flat billed cap sideways etc. He was bragging about how "hood" he was, and one night and was going to pull an air soft gun on another kid... Long story short, I took him to the worst "hood" in ft worth and showed him what "hood" was. He locked the door and wouldn't get out of the truck. His only comment was "ghettos are a lot different than you see in shows, or hear slim shady and chiggy sing about". I'd invest in a cheap harbor freight survalence system and set it up to record on a cheap hard drive or old computer tower. I've got one at my place and at my rent house.