Project Riddler's Ride - 1976 Plymouth Duster

Well I had the entire morning to work today. Wife and baby chose to sleep through the 100* weather all morning.

I just finished up the fuel tank mounting. I took better pictures of what I've done as well as painted the POR15 up around the rest of the body work.

Here's the tank with the seal mounted.

Here's the before POR15 pictures.

And now the after pictures of it all painted and proteted.

I then moved on the the Peaks Dash I have. I've been working it and massaging it to fit for weeks on and off. Today I took drastic measures. I cut the glove box door up and made it fit the way it's suppose to.

Just a picture showing the glove box cover not really lining up and you can see what I've done to help that.

I chose to get rid of the half round as it wasn't in the right place and the knob just didn't fit it right. Glad I kept the stock plastic trim peice for the glove box door.

The glove box massaged and ready to install. It took hours to get it to this point.

Here are some fitment pictures of the gauge area.

Last but not least the final pictures. The glove box lines up with a 1/8" gap between the door and main dash and the bend in the dash finally lines up when you see it.

Here's the close up view of the glove box door.

I'm sure I'll have do play with it some more but for now I'm very happy with how it's come out. My future plan is to grind the heads of the screws down and fiberglass over them along with the bottom edge so it looks like one piece.
