Wife's in the hospital

Hi Robert

Praying for you guys. I agree with 6pk2goDemon, get that paypal up and running. Im sure we all can buy a little less chrome for a much more important cause. Stay strong in faith and spirit. You guys will make it through this.

:thumbup: Thx ....Robert's paypal addy has been posted finally in a FABO Benefit Fund Raiser thread here:

I think Leanna said that Roberts computer is down right now, hopefully he can get it back up soon and would be glad to provide that info.

Hope things are going good, still sending prayers for you both

Yes, Leanna posted that info in the Fund Raiser thread. Thx for helping :salut:

Stopped by yesterday. They will be heading to Rochester Strong Hospital early Friday,to do some more tests to see what the next steps are. It will be a long day for Sarah.

Ramenth At yahoo period com should work.

Keep us updated please.........Thx for doing what real friends do :D